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New Procurement Process

We are happy to share with you that the easyHotel procurement process was launched in the UK, France, and Ireland in November. Spain, Belgium, and Netherlands are soon to follow and will be launched by the end of January.

This process is an important step in our wish to give a more structure to our group and to make the HMs day-to-day operations easier. Procurement involves the specific identification of our hotels’ needs, a detailed examination of options, and all successive steps necessary to find and obtain required products.

The main objectives of having a procurement process:

  • To make it easy/clear/organized: It is important that products can be easily found on a defined list and a single procurement platform. We have chosen to work with Astore which a procurement website specialized in hotel operations, and which can provide most of the items needed. Amazon Business accounts have also been created for the few items missing on Astore.

  • To have consistency in each of our hotels: We are emphasizing our brand standards throughout Europe as we are buying the same products from a hotel to another, and clients are welcomed with the same level of service in each of our hotel.

  • To help on costs management: Any products bought are impacting the bottom which is why it is important to find the right products at the best price. Having a clear procurement process helps HMs have a clear overview of what they are purchasing as there is only one procurement platform; they can easily extract data and control their spendings.

Taking the example of the toilet paper, our hotels purchased 470 rolls since beginning of November. If we had bought them with our previous supplier, we would have paid £6,740 but we actually paid £3,820 on Astore, meaning that we generated 45% savings on this item in only 6 weeks !

We will keep monitoring our savings until end of the year, but it already has started off well 😊


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