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Meet the Team - Marius Nita, Revenue & Distribution Executive and the Commercial Team

This month we’d like to introduce you to Marius Nita. One of our longer serving employees with over five years’ service, and one of the few easyHotel employees to have worked in both Hotel Operations and the Support Office.

Marius joined easyHotel as part of the opening team for easyHotel Manchester in 2017. The opening of the hotel was delayed, which worked out well for Marius as it enabled him to get a bit more operational experience at his previous job before joining us. Meaning that when he joined, he was one of the few Team Members who had ever worked in a hotel before!

This brief but valuable experience meant he was quickly able to step up and take on extra responsibilities such as training new team members and helping with recruitment. Marius worked both days shifts, and night shifts getting a full understanding of the running of the hotel and ultimately played an active role in recruiting the Liverpool opening team.

After 9- months at Manchester Marius was offered the AHM role, but ultimately turned this down for a move to London. The new Manager for Old Street was undergoing training in Manchester, and they got on so well he immediately offered Marius at role in London. He worked in Old Street for 6-months before an opening became available for a Customer Service Manager at the office, which was then based at the Old Street site.

Keen to make the move into a corporate role, Marius took on the challenge of Zendesk, but this only lasted a month before he was approached by the Revenue Team and offered the role of Revenue Analyst. As the Revenue Team grew, so did the role with Nick Moffatt Joining as Director of Revenue Management in 2019. In 2020 Marius took on the expanded role of Revenue & Distribution Executive and recently the Team has grown again, with the additional of Dan Fisher and George Sweeting in Business Development to create the Commercial Team.

Marius tells me that having the Business Development Element in the team, brings more structure and that having experts in BD allows the Revenue and Distribution people more focus on their areas. The increase in Groups has also been a real positive as securing base business allows the team to yield the revenue. Sales is also helping to tap into the corporate market, having someone who can go and speak to those markets and raise awareness of the brand is beneficial. It impacts positively from an ADR And base business perspective. It also helps with the mix to increase the numbers of corporate clients.

For his next move Marius has his sights set on Distribution Manager and would ultimately like to manage his own team. Although he tells me that in a parallel reality, he thinks he may have been a carpenter!

Words of wisdom – “One thing I’ve learned about Revenue Management is that you are never right!”.


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