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Development Activity – Spain and France

We’re excited to confirm the acquisition of a prime plot in Valencia with planning permission for a 95-room hotel. This property will be in a sought-after Central location just a few minutes from the High-Speed train station. Construction will be underway soon and we are expecting to open in mid-2024.

Madrid Atocha Development
Madrid Atocha Development

Meanwhile also under development in Spain are a Franchise property in Madrid and a second owned Hotel in Barcelona. The Madrid hotel is in an excellent central location, again close to the railway links and will open later this year with 230 rooms. Our second hotel in Barcelona, is due to open mid 2023 with 75 rooms. ‘Barcelona- Meridiana’ is located on the opposite side of the city to Fira, near the famous Sagrada Familia.

Madrid Atocha Development

Meanwhile in France construction is well underway on Paris Aubervilliers, which is scheduled for an early 2023 opening and Marseilles for opening mid-2024. More details to follow.


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