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  • Writer's pictureeasyHotel

Beat, Raise and Repeat!

The easyHotel Commercial team met for the first time in January, following the acquisition of the Benelux hotels, with the purpose of getting to know each other and setting a common strategy to achieve their goals. Members from both the London Office and the Hague office put their collective brains together over two days to understand how they can Beat 2022, Raise the bar further and Repeat this month after month. The event took place in London, being kicked off by an update from our CEO Karim Malak, following on with speakers from HR, Operations, IT, Marketing and Revenue Management Data provider OTA insights. The two days were packed with information, discussions around shared goals, team building and the devising of 4 projects that will enable us to drive forward for 2023. Quoting on the event, Business Development Manager Dan Fisher said “It was really great to get the whole team aound one table and learn so much about each other! We all got along really well, and we now have a great idea of the challenge ahead and what we are going to do to conquer it!”


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